A Tailor-Made Smart Battery System To Avoid Peak Demand Charges

Understanding Demand Charges on Your Electric Bill

As a commercial/industrial customer, demand charges alone can account for up to 60% of your electric bill

One part of your electric bill that is rarely publicized is demand charges. Demand is defined as the maximum amount of power delivered in a specific time frame, in most utilities’ case 15 minutes. We can compare this to the way an Internet provider charges you based on the speed at which data is delivered. The faster the connection, the more they charge, even if most of the time only a fraction of the speed is needed. We have nuclear plants that are going down (reducing electricity supply significantly), and more residential and commercial/industrial customers are switching to on-site electricity self-generation and storage alternatives like solar and smart batteries, forcing electric monopolies to raise rates on the customers that stay with them. In recent years, demand charges alone went up 24% in some utility territories, which means demand charges are the largest driving force in commercial electric bill increases.

Ongoing Monitoring Service

Every Dirt-Free Power system includes our exclusive monitoring service, which continuously tracks how much power your smart battery system is charging and discharging. The Dirt-Free Power service team keeps a watchful eye on that data to ensure that your system is always performing as it should. In the unlikely event that your system is not performing as expected, we will proactively alert you and fix whatever needed to be fixed.

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Smart Batteries

Smart batteries store historical and real-time electricity data into a cloud-based network operation center. As the system learns the site-specific load profile characteristics, the predictive algorithm adjusts the second-by‐second charge/discharge profile to minimize demand charges. The batteries’ energy storage system pumps out electricity during the spikes in demand and recharges during demand lulls to flatten your load profile and reduce demand charges.